Universal 4D printed personalized splints for articular pathologies.

Universal 4D printed personalized splints for articular pathologies.

Illustrative project image

Medical tags

Clinical need
Traumatology and orthopedics
Ergonomic support
Project keywords
This idea is focused on the treatment of articular injuries like sprains, luxations, fissures...that impede the correct mobility of the patient.

Project description

Our proposed 4D printed splints are intended to replace the plaster, reducing weight, minimizing skin problems and improving patient mobility. Being based on a modular design, our technology can be adapted to several articular problems and to children, teenagers and adults.
The design consists of a modular template geometry in 2D to allow adaptation in any patient. After printing in PLA by adding heat to the material it becomes deformable and allows a perfect fit to the desired end, hence being based on a 4D printing approach and promoting personalization.