Multipurpose radiant warmer

Multipurpose radiant warmer

Illustrative project image

Medical tags

Clinical need
Monitoring purpose
Monitoring device
Project keywords
Multipurpose radiant warmer is an integrated system of warmer. In addition to monitoring the temprature of the infant, it monitor about three vital parameters.

Project description

A multipurpose radiant warmer is an integrating system of radiant warmer With very important parameters (vitals signs) was developed by Signals, which is detected by the sensors passed through a signal conditioning circuit for further processing to microcontroller. The availability of built in Analog to Digital make it possible to process the incoming data and pass decision according to the result obtained. 16x2 alpha numeric LCD is connected to display the measurements and buzzer, which gives alarming sound. The technology consists of Ardiuno micro-processer with a controlling unit (board) and also, GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) which provided by SIM and send SMS to the respective authorities as per programmed and enables a wireless system with no specified range limit.