COVID-19 Rapid TestPro - New testing method for COVID-19

COVID-19 Rapid TestPro - New testing method for COVID-19

Illustrative project image
Approved by mentor

Medical tags

Clinical need
Point-of-care diagnosis
Clinical microbiology
In vitro diagnostic device
Project keywords
UBORA Youth Innovators Competition and Design Bootcamp 2020, Group 5, rapid testing toolkit, self-administered diagnosis, home-use device, CRISPR
Device classification

Project description

COVID19 RapidTest Pro is a rapid diagnostic toolkit that uses CRISPR technology (CRISPR-CAS13) to test for the SARS-CoV-2 using the user’s saliva as a sample. Results will be revealed in the form of visible coloured line/signal on a paper in under 1 hour to indicate whether or not the user is infected. A positive result is indicated by two lines on the paper strip whereas a negative test result is given if only one line appears. Overall, the COVID19 RapidTest Pro is an easy-to-use and affordable device which many can have access to. It serves as a cost-effective and feasible solution to identify individuals affected by the coronavirus in the midst of this ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.