TraceAfrica app

TraceAfrica app

Illustrative project image
Approved by mentor

Medical tags

Clinical need
Prevention of pathology or disease
Public health
Project keywords
COVID19, Contact Tracing, Self Isolation, Software, Public Health, QR Code,GPS Technology
Device classification

Project description

 TraceAfrica: Victoria Acerta!
This is an app that is designed to reduce the rate of Covid-19 spread and enhance identification, contact tracing and isolation of Covid-19 victims.
Mode of operation
This app uses GPS and QR CODE technology: People in the same location actively using the internet [whether iOS or android op] in an estimated radius of 1.0m: All IP addresses of the phone in 1m range will be saved then 15 days of no COVID-19 infection, the space used in saving the data of all IP addresses of the phone in the range of 5 m will be freed giving room for more operations.
If on the other hand, a user is tested positive for COVID-19 in 14 days range then a message will be sent to all the IP Addresses bulk SMS to quarantine themselves for some days giving them hint on things they can do to boost their immune system within that period. Within this period there can be rapid testing and isolation of those who test positive to covid-19 according to the systems put in place.
The system will also include a survey of symptoms they should look out for, If they develop so many glaring symptoms then our platform will automatically send the person's details to the COVID-19 response body in the locality
 It will also use GOOGLE MAPS technology for enhanced privacy security: By the use of digital map, the individuals travel history is stored temporarily on the app and deleted after 15 days if no records of association with COVID-19 cases are recorded with him. Only suspected people get their information forwarded to the health ministry’s directories to carry out testing.
The QR code makes it easier to override the conventional system of housing by providing a temporary alternative for the purpose of effective contact tracing. The app will generate the QR code which can be pasted on the walls of the house or be printed as a sticker on the phone or any other device that the person uses. So with the QR code, we can link people to their families and friends and also their work places.
So the QR code also has the ability to work with people without smart phones, Simply they will register with his details on a trusted Smartphone and print it out as a sticker, so his/her details are recorded for effective contact tracing. This means that one smart phone can register more than one QR code. so our project's advantages are:

  1. This is for improving privacy after COVID-19; the entire data can easily be erased making it difficult to easily track people should scammers have access to database
  2. Serve as alternate system of house addressing post Covid-19 for communities lacking the right address system
  3. Individuals have the chance to scan a house before entering, if a Covid-19 case reside in the place within the last 15 days, they will be alarmed to take preventive measures in place before entering.
  4. Companies have the chance to screen people using the QR code before entering their facilities