SPHUGMOS FHR monitoring kit

SPHUGMOS FHR monitoring kit

Illustrative project image

Medical tags

Clinical need
Monitoring purpose
Obstetrics and gynecology
E-based technology
Project keywords
fetal health, fetal wellbeing
Device classification

Project description

We decided to develop this device in order to give the possibility to perform antenatal fetal heart rate monitoring, even in the absence of a physician; indeed in the Low-Middle Income Countries the ratio between doctors and people is dramatically low.
Also, it could be concretely useful to reduce perinatal mortality in these countries: according to Save the Children report the 98% of World perinatal deaths is located in the Low-Middle Income Countries.
This project is suitable for achieving the three Sustainable Development Goals which are indicated in the bottom of the slide: good health and well-being, gender equality and reduced inequalities.
Our device is a class IIb device, it is constituted by a 3D printed PE case ultrasound probe connected through BLE connection to a medical app that uses a machine learning algorithm to classify the FHR signal and allow to a primary monitoring of fetal wellbeing.