home used health monitoring device

home used health monitoring device

Business model

Value proposal

What makes me unique, different, special?
  • Accessiblity, performance,convenience and status
  • Easy to use
  • Simple to manufacture
  • Capable in all environment
  • Very cheap
  • Multifunction
  • For quarantine persons/patients easly monitor their health condition
  • Invitro
  • By using only their finger they know their temprature, heartbeat, blood pressure and oxygen saturation in their blood.
  • Applicable in rural as well as urban users.
  • Use both ac source and disposable battery.

Key resources and partners

What gives me a strategic advantage? Who supports me?

Key resource

  • physical location.
  • Electronic suppliers Programing device or computer
  • Cover/plastic manufacturing

Key partner

  • electrial material like resistor, capacitor, microcontroller and sensor supplier and manufacturer.
  • Supplier for the manufactured devise.
  • The government and local enterpreuner

Potential clients, users and channels

How will I reach clients and users?

We can reach client and user by using news paper, gazettas, news, google promotion and by using different hospitals.

Currently most of the user are access to media so medial also plays great role for the acceblity of our device

Relevant documentation for device production and use


Home used health monitoring is easy and simple way of monitoring our health status at our home. The devise is very cheap and applicable in every environment. It also a lot of future for who wants to monitor more parameter like cancer detection and other.

The user does not need extra knowledge for opperating. They can easly use the devise at their home based on the manual of the devise.

Analysis of costs, production, supply chain and services to clients


The general cost for the production of the device is $50-100

 If we get the chance to establish the manufacturing opprtunity then the our project is open source so by using small enterprise we can manufacture more products localy in diffrent countrys. So individuals or users easly gate the devise from their near by electronic or hospital rooms.

As we list before the devise is open source so local enterprenuer easily mainten the devise for the client and regarding any question they can gate accsess from the sellers or from hospital technicians.

Growth strategy

How will I make a sustainable impact?

   Growth strategy
according to our mission after accomplishing this project we can transform the devise to more advaced and latest technology devises.

We also create large job apportunity for students and also for small innovators to develop their own project

Due to this pandemic covid 19 disease we can contribute our role in order to monitor the transmission of the disease