This first approximation to a medical passport, consists of an NFC tag and an NFC enabled smartphone. The app provides a way to interact with the tag, by reading and writing its content. As the medical passport aims to be universal, medical information must be standarized.
The information recorded on the tag will consist of personal filiation data and medical information such as blood type, conditions or medication, among others. The date will also be recorded, as well as an automatically generated unique id.
To be able to translate the content of the tag to the reader's language, the information entered by the user will be restricted to elements contained in conditions and medication databases. The information will be recorded in the tag in a key which will be readable with other NFC apps (even if it is not the one designed to do this) and will be translated to the user's language if it is supported, being English the default language.
The medical passport will work without internet conexion to do the tasks described before but if there is internet conexion, more functionalities could be offered in further versions of this project.