Refreshable braille display

Clinical needs

"Visual Disability refers to deficits in the ability of the person to perform vision-related activities of daily living, such as: reading, orientation and mobility, and other tasks. Visual disability scores reflect the Burden of Vision Loss for the person, and should be assessed with both eyes open and with presenting correction (if any)". (, 2019)

The eleventh version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) classifies this disability making a difference between near and far visual impairment: (, 2019)


Far visual impairment

Worse than: ; Equal to or better than:

0. Non vision impairment - ; 0.5
1. Mild vision impairment 0.5 ; 0.3
2. Moderate vision impairment 0.3 ; 0.1
3. Severe vision impairment 0.1 ; 0.05
4. Blindness 0.05 ; 0.02
5. Blindness 0.02 ; Percepción de luz.
6. Blindness Sin percepción de luz.

Near visual impairment

Worse than N6 or M0.8 with existing correction.

There are numerous causes of visual impairment, the main ones being the following: (

  • Genetic defects
  • Cataract.
  • Glaucoma
  • Eye injuries
  • Brain injuries (cortical blindness)
  • Eye infections
  • Poisoning or poisoning by methanos, formaldehyde or formic acid.
  • Other causes such as amblyopia, degenerative myopia, etc.

References: (Abril de 2019). Obtenido de (Abril de 2019). Obtenido de (s.f.). Obtenido de