Noise Dampening Hospital Ward


This voting section can help you to identify the best solutions for your medical device. Please use it for creating polls and discussion both on general (e.g. use of piezoelectric sensors) and/or on specific topics (e.g. use of LM7805 voltage regulator), in order to have a more clear idea of your concept, which will be described in the next "Concept description" section.

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Sound Absorptive Furniture

Furniture in hospital wards such as the bed, chairs, tables and cabinets could be lined with or made with sound absorptive materials.

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Resilient Sound Isolation Clip (RSIC-1)

For sound proofing noise from outside the wards through the walls, floor or ceiling.

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Acoustic curtains

Acoustic curtains are usually made of dense fabrics that dissipate echos and dampen sound. They perform well in improving the sound quality of a hospital ward by reducing noise that comes in or gets out through windows and doors.

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Green Glue

Green Glue is a soundproofing compound that is applied between layers of dry wall. It dampens and dissipates noise and vibrations passing through the walls. It can be used to seal gaps in walls like holes and seams.

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Nurse station equipment WiFi

Alarms and alerts from equipment such as patient monitors, empty infusion pumps and dialysis machines could be sent to the nurse station through WiFi. The alerts then go off at the station as opposed to going off inside the wards where they will disturb the patient.

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Molded Foam like polyfoam

Can be used to reduce the effect of sounds produced by the medical equipment in the wards. Molded foam has sound insulation properties. For efficiency and correct functioning of the equipment, the molded foam should be incorporated during manufacturing of the equipment.