Open-source library of tissue engineering scaffolds

Open-source library of tissue engineering scaffolds

Prototypes and functional trials

To evaluate the utility and usability of the OS library of tissue engineering scaffolds, in connection with the assessment of innovative printing technologies and novel biomaterials, different studies have been already performed within INKplant’s consortium, as documented below. Others will follow once the multimaterial printing technologies are fine-tuned and novel bioinks and biomaterials are synthesized. By means of example, some images of scaffolds directly manufactured from the library are included below:

Multiscale scaffolds from the OS library manufactured by additive photopolymerization, as part of the testing rounds for biophotopolymers under development by Profactor. Materials: Profactor. Prototypes: UPM.

Woodpile scaffolds from the OS library manufactured by additive photopolymerization, as part of the testing rounds for biophotopolymers under development by Profactor. Materials: Profactor. Prototypes: UPM.

Once manufacturability is assessed with scaffold units, the applicability of the OS library to engineer final appliances, like in vitro testing medical devices and implants for potential tissue repair, is noteworthy. Some initial examples linked to articular challenges, including tissue engineering scaffolds for meniscus regeneration and functionally-graded structures for osteochondral repair, are already implemented and will be soon published.

Above all, it is necessary to highlight that the geometries from the OS library are ready and openly available, they have been designed considering a wide set of AMTs.