Automated Therapy Massager

Physical principles

Rehabilitation massager is a massaging device that uses the pneumtics principle. In other words, the massaging involves compression and releasing of soft parts of the body, to relieve pain, stress, allow circulation of blood and movement of lymphatic fluid. Pneumatic system is basically a method of turning electricity into mechanical motion, and it is achieved through the use of compressed gasses. One advantage of pneumatic system therapy is that it mainly uses compressed air, which is readily available and non-toxic to the user and the surrounding. The basic design of the massager involves a number of components of the massager including.

  1. A compressor—compresses air to higher pressure
  2. A reservoir (or receiver)—stores compressed air.
  3. One or more valves—control air flow.
  4. Air pipes—moves compressed air between the other components.
  5. Actuator system — This will include pressure sensor which will provide the signal for putting on and off the compressor depending on the pressure in the system and the relay which will be giving a signal to the selonid valve to open and close to control compressed air to the inflatables
  6. Electronic circuit --This will provide connection between the electric part and pneumatic system.
  7. Arduino - This is a micro-controller carrying board that will control the opening and closing of valves and enable adjustment of massaging pressure.
  8. The inflatables

The interconnection of these devices makes a massaging device useful in Rehabilitation services.
The compressor will have a precise gauge that will enable setting of the pressures that are desired by the care giver from one case to another, the reservoir will ensure that the compressor does not run continuously saving on power while pipes on the other hand will enable freedom in installation where the compressor may be installed far away from patients whose complications require minimal or no noise at all during massage time. The inflatables will come in various sizes to accommodate different size limbs.