Automated Therapy Massager

Production documentation

The production of any successful project design must always begin from the team identification and conclude with the product testing. The goal of validation is to ensure that the device is working well as stated of desired by the producer. This technique gives the framework for project implementation, where performance is the most important factor.
DQ : Design Qualification
IQ : Installation Qualification
OQ : Operational Qualification
PQ : Performance Qualification

From the initial stages of team selection, the project supervisor had an idea of what was to be done. After team selection, the team was provided with an area of ideation for the project, Rehabilitation. After conducting some serious research on the field of rehabilitation, the main problem realized was the lack of enough physiological therapists in the locale. The few medical officers available in the field suffered from too much exhaustion, resulting in inefficient service delivery in such a department.

The solution also had to go through some serious research on what could ease up the problem in the rehabilitation field. The next step therefore involved was to identify the solution which was to develop an automated device that assisted in conducting physical therapy to patients, even at the comfort of their own homes and offices. From there, each process was followed as illustrated in the flow diagram above.

The device qualification for the project determined if the tools selected for the project were sufficient/efficient enough for the team to categorize the project as a device rather than an instrument. From the various categories of the project components consisting of electrical instrumentation and the pneumatic system, its quite evident that the project passed the Design Qualification process.

Through initialization to implementation, the project was successful, thereby producing a successful product that can be used in rehabilitation to solve the problem that was identified by the team at the ideation stage.