This voting section can help you to identify the best solutions for your medical device. Please use it for creating polls and discussion both on general (e.g. use of piezoelectric sensors) and/or on specific topics (e.g. use of LM7805 voltage regulator), in order to have a more clear idea of your concept, which will be described in the next "Concept description" section.

Sensitive Fabric: EeonTex LTT-SLPA and Zebra Fabric
Three overlapping layers, create a sensitive matrix to detect the pressure difference.

Inflator System: air compartments with valve
The compartements are indipendently. They are four and centered on the breast.

Inflator System: cup
A cup to that compresses the breast

External Top: Sports Bra
The sport bra is a dresser solution that contains the breast

Sensitive Fabric: Pressure Mat Dev Kit, Sensing Tex
The Pressure Mat Platform is based on a patented technology using proprietary conductive inks to create stretchable, thin, film pressure sensitive textiles.

Sensitive Fabric: Infitex
Multi Touch mat shows every individual point of pressure when applied to the textile, showing where and how much pressure has been applied.

Microcontroller: Arduino LilyPad
The LilyPad Arduino is designed for e-textiles and wearables projects.

Microcontroller: Arduino DUE
Arduino DUE , it is the perfect board for powerful larger scale Arduino projects.

External Top: Art Martial Protection
The top should cover the chest as much as possible and also cover the axillary area.