Presentation for press

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It has been an incredible and exciting experience at the Youth innovators competition and design boot camp 2020 on COVID - 19. We are a team of developers, composed of members based in different countries, with various specialized skillsets. We have continually combined effort and improved on our designs through interactive brainstorming sessions. We have come together to ideate for and design a versatile kit for protection and sterilization for healthcare practitioners, patients and the general population. The main idea behind our design: The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized that each individual does play a part in the battle against a disease by being responsible and following the necessary precautionary measures. Usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the ways that individuals can play their part as a responsible citizen. Hence, our versatile kit known as the COVID AuxiKit will aid citizens and healthcare practitioners to keep themselves safe and at the same time, keep others around them safe.

Our design has improved from our initial sketches:

to more well developed CAD designs:

The COVID AuxiKit includes: filtered masks apt for sterilization, re-usable face shields and a portable UV light sterilizer. The components of the AuxiKit works in synergy with one another to ensure the safety of the people by minimizing risk and exposure. The COVID AuxiKit is low cost, reusable, safe, environmentally-friendly, comfortable and easy to use for people from all walks of life.

Team Nguni Mentors:

Team Nguni Members:

Although the bootcamp was help virtually, Zoom provided us with a great platform to have a great time interacting, collaborating and encouraging one another towards the end goal of creating an innovative solution.