This voting section can help you to identify the best solutions for your medical device. Please use it for creating polls and discussion both on general (e.g. use of piezoelectric sensors) and/or on specific topics (e.g. use of LM7805 voltage regulator), in order to have a more clear idea of your concept, which will be described in the next "Concept description" section.

Enhanced face mask
The enhanced face mask will have a more comfortable and breathable fit, while minimizing inward leakage of particles. It is also made up of a self-sterilizing material, which are cotton materials embedded with copper oxide that can kill the virus on contact. The mask also keeps users cool by using cooling technology in the material. Lastly, it comes with an adjustable strap to ensure comfortable fit and reducing the pain on the earlobes.

Portable UV light sterilizer
The UV light sterilizer is used to produce strong enough UV-C light in circulating air or water systems to make them inhospitable environments to microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, moulds and other pathogens. A specific wavelength of UVC light – 222 nm – would be used as it is much less dangerous to humans, while still lethal for viruses and bacteria.

Co-designed sterilizing system
Sterilizing system co-design to better interact with the shields and masks from the kit

Reusable and enhanced face shield
The face shield has a cap to ensure less pain on the earlobes. It has an adjustable strap for more comfortable fit. There is good coverage and it can be adjusted to fit around the neck better if the situation requires. Next, the visor is waterproof & dustproof and minimizes fogging. Next, the information of patients needing care will be shown at the side as it will be connected to the sensor at the patient's bed. Lastly, this face shield is reusable as the parts can be separated and washed.

Adjustable face shield
Common face shields lack in ergonomics and usability, our proposal improves those aspects