ISO/IEC 25000, known as SQuaRE (System and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation), is a set of standards aimed at creating a common framework for assessing software product quality. It is divided into 5 sets of standards for evaluating it.
- ISO/IEC 2500n - Quality Management Division
- -ISO/IEC 25000 - Guide to SQuaRE: contiene el modelo de la arquitectura de SQuaRE, la terminología de la familia, un resumen de las partes, los usuarios previstos y las partes asociadas, así como los modelos de referencia.
- ISO/IEC 25001 - Planning and Management: establece los requisitos y orientaciones para gestionar la evaluación y especificación de los requisitos del producto software.
- ISO/IEC 2501n - Quality Model Division
- ISO/IEC 25010 - System and software quality models: describe el modelo de calidad para el producto software y para la calidad en uso. Esta Norma presenta las características y subcaracterísticas de calidad frente a las cuales evaluar el producto software.
- ISO/IEC 25012 - Data Quality model: define un modelo general para la calidad de los datos, aplicable a aquellos datos que se encuentran almacenados de manera estructurada y forman parte de un Sistema de Información.
- ISO/IEC 2502n - Quality Measurement Division
- ISO/IEC 25020 - Measurement reference model and guide: presents an introductory explanation and a common reference model to the elements of quality measurement. It also provides guidance for users to select or develop and apply measures proposed by ISO standards.
- ISO/IEC 25021 - Quality measure elements: defines and specifies a recommended set of base and derived metrics that can be used throughout the software development life cycle.
- ISO/IEC 25022 - Measurement of quality in use: specifically defines metrics for measuring the quality in use of the product.
- ISO/IEC 25023 - Measurement of system and software product quality: specifically defines the metrics for measuring the quality of software products and systems.
- ISO/IEC 25024 - Measurement of data quality: specifically defines metrics for performing data quality measurement.
- ISO/IEC 2503n - Quality Requirements Division
- ISO/IEC 25030 - Quality requirements: provides a set of recommendations for the specification of software product quality requirements.
- ISO/IEC 2504n - Quality Assessment Division
- ISO/IEC 25040 - Evaluation reference model and guide: proposes a general reference model for evaluation, which considers the inputs to the evaluation process, the constraints and the resources needed to obtain the corresponding outputs.
- ISO/IEC 25041 - Evaluation guide for developers, acquirers and independent evaluators: describes requirements and recommendations for the practical implementation of software product evaluation from the point of view of developers, acquirers and independent evaluators.
- ISO/IEC 25042 - Evaluation modules: defines what the Standard considers to be an evaluation module and the documentation, structure and content to be used when defining an evaluation module.
- ISO/IEC 25045 - Evaluation module for recoverability: defines a module for the evaluation of the Recoverability sub-characteristic.