Andres Diaz Lantada

Mentor verified UBORA mentor




Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Industrial & Mechanical Engineering

Working experience

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

I am involved in development and use of medical devices as Researcher


Andres Díaz Lantada is PhD in Industrial Engineering and works as Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. He leads the UPM Product Development Lab and is focused on the development of innovative biomedical devices with enhanced capabilities thanks to the incorporation of special geometries by means of additive manufacturing strategies and to the employment of smart materials for improved performance. He coordinates several courses on “Bioengineering Design”, “Biomechanics”, “Biomedical Devices” and “Computer-assisted Mechanical Engineering”, where he employs CDIO & project-based learning methodologies. Reinventing biomedical engineering following open-source and collaborative design methodologies and via educational innovation is his main current research topic and leading UPM within the inspiring UBORA project is a dream come true.


Computer-aided engineering, additive manufacturing, biomedical microsystems

Project Role(s)
3D designs for surgery devices Mentor
3D Printed Back Brace Mentor
3D Printed Customiced Collar Mentor
3D Printed Elbow Splint Mentor
3D Printed Ergonomic Hand Prosthesis Member
3D Printed Shoulder Splint Mentor
3DPI Mask - Filtering mask to protect against particles Mentor
ABEC Design Competition 2019 Laryngoscope Mentor
Aid system for prone positioning of patients with ARDS Mentor
APP para embarazadas Mentor
Arthocentesis Improvement Device Mentor
Arthrocentesis Procedure Ergonomics Improvement Mentor
Assistive Spoon Mentor
Assistive Tactile Communication Device Mentor
Auto-controlled air-oxygen blender Mentor
Automatic Hand-Washing Machine Mentor
Autonomous serum system Mentor Leader
Baby head shape treatment system Mentor
Baby incubator Leader
Biomedical protective suit Mentor
Composite material leg prosthesis Mentor Leader
Compression stocking with insert heating Mentor
Covid auxikit Mentor Leader
COVID-19 diagnosis with S.P.R. Biosensor Mentor
Cranial orthosis Mentor Leader
Cranial Orthosis Mentor
Desfibrillator Leader
Design and development of an otoscope prototyping with smartphone coupler Mentor
development of hybrids scaffolds and their application in meniscus repair Mentor
Diagnostic Tool Mentor
Diseño del prótesis dental Member
Dispositivo para evitar que el conductor de un vehículo se quede dormido al volante Mentor
DynaDisc Mentor
ECG for safe sport practice Mentor
Electronic Eyelid cleaner Member
Epilepsy Detection Device Mentor
Equipo de protección individual innovador para pandemias Mentor
Ergonomic and safe device for sampling in infectious diseases such as COVID-19 Mentor
Escayola impermeable Mentor
Estabilizador cefálico Mentor
Esterilizador sostenible de bajo coste Mentor
Femoral fixation plate for subtrochanteric fractures Mentor
Fetal arrhythmia detector Mentor
Finger orthesis Leader
Finger splint Leader
FlexiGrip Prosthetic Hand Member
Gait rehabilitation exoskeleton Leader
Gripper-like hand prosthesis Leader
Hand prosthesis Leader
Haptic-slave hand Mentor
Height-adjustable, non-contact, infrared thermometer box Mentor
Heimlich maneuver device Mentor
Hip prosthesis Leader
home used health monitoring device Mentor
IBC Melanoma Diagnosis Mentor
Instrumented Pacifier Mentor
Intelligent insole Leader
Knee joint stress simulator Member
Lazarus Biotech Standing Frame Mentor
LDL Monitoring Device Mentor
LearnFromCOVID-19 Mentor
Leg prosthesis in composite material Leader
Low Cost Sitting Posture Monitoring System Mentor
Low-cost oxygen saturation monitoring system for multiple patients in acute care Mentor
Medical Passport Mentor Leader
Minimally invasive surgical device for tumour diagnosis Leader
Modular Multi-Finger Splint Kit Mentor
Multifunctional Surgical Kit Mentor
Multifunctional walking stick for the visually impaired. Mentor
Multipurpose surgical tool for extraction, cleaning and administration Mentor
Nevera Portátil Multitemperatura Mentor
New design COVID Mask Mentor
Non-invasive earlobe glucometer Mentor
Open Oxi Mentor
Open source heart pacemaker Leader
Open source septoplasty/rhinoplasty recovery device Mentor
Open-source library of microtextured geometries for studying cell-material interactions Mentor Leader
Open-source library of tissue engineering scaffolds Mentor Leader
Organ-on-a-chip for modeling metastasis Leader
Organ-on-a-chip for the research of the viability of Magnetic Particles on Tumoral Cells Member
Parkinson assistive device Leader
Partial prothesis hand Member
Partial shoulder replacement Mentor
Personalised Face Protective Splint Mentor
Personalized heart valve Leader
Portable cooler for vaccines / Nevera portátil para vacunas Mentor
Portable Neonate Warmer (PNW) Mentor
Prosthesis of the first toe Member
Prosthetic arm Mentor
Prosthetic foot adapted for athletes Member
Prosthetic limb for amputees Leader
Prótesis de Rodilla Policéntrica Mentor
Refreshable braille display Mentor
Rehabilitation device Leader
Reusable Face Masks Mentor
Reusable implantable defibrilator Leader
Running blade prosthesis combining 3D printing and composites Member
Sensor for kids with attention deficit Member
Solar Autoclave Mentor
Spinal Surgery Training Model Mentor
Spine Surgery Simulation Mentor
Sports orthopedic device with transtibial amputation for humans Mentor
Surgical separator Leader
Surgical separator for low and middle income settings Leader
TES (Tenis Elbow Splint) Member
Tiras nasales funcionales para la deteccion de patalogias durante el sueño Mentor
Tissue engineering scaffold for skin culture Mentor Leader
Tissue engineering Scaffolds for in vitro tumoral studies Mentor
Tissue engineering scaffolds for tendon and ligament repair Leader
Universal 4D printed personalized splints for articular pathologies. Mentor
Universal Splint Mentor
Utensil use assistant Member
UV sensor and app for blind people Member
Vaginal speculum Mentor
Water purification kit Mentor
Wearable HelGlaSk (Helmet + Glasses + Mask) Mentor
Weighting Crutches Mentor